Red Birds in our Midst!

Cardinals were perhaps the very first bird species I could identify when I was a nature-addicted little kid. I don’t remember much from those carefree days in rural Connecticut but if I wasn’t outside running about in the woods, I was almost always peering out the window with my nose against the glass. I suspect when I saw cardinals way back then from my side of the window, I most likely referred to them something like this, “I see a red bird!” I’m still a great fan of our ‘red birds” a.k.a. the Northern Cardinal, a highly recognizable species for non-birders as well.

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A Tale of Two Parks

Oakland County has an incredible variety of parks that are truly four-season wonderlands. They come in all sizes and configurations with varying terrain and trail conditions. Some, such as the parks managed by Oakland County Parks and the Huron-Clinton Metroparks are extremely well known and attract visitors numbering into the millions every year. Others are much lesser known, and even when I mention the names of some of those parks to outdoor enthusiasts, I often get a response akin to, “Never heard of that place.” 

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Nature’s Way Almanac – 2024 Edition

Two of my favorite quotes from Henry David Thoreau are the perfect gateway for today’s New Year edition of the Wilder Side of Oakland County. I did not have to look up these quotes for they have been part of my spirit of adventure for as long as I remember. In 1876 Thoreau wrote these timeless words:

“I wonder what the world is doing today.”

“I went to the woods because I wished to see if I could not learn what life had to teach — and not, when it came time to die, discover that I had not lived.”

Henry David Thoreau
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Year-Round Residents or Harbingers of Spring?  

When a bird disagrees with a bird book, always believe the bird.” That often-quoted statement of John James Audubon is true when it comes to many avian species, especially when it pertains to the American robin, perhaps the most recognizable species of bird even for people who pay little attention to birds. Today’s blog was inspired by a neighbor who asked why robins have returned already.

I explained that robins are not back already, it’s just that many never left! Robins are the most common false harbingers of spring. With excellent habitat and year-round food sources, many robins never leave Oakland County.

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